Monday, January 18, 2010

yes, i'm asking for it

gimme more stress! bring it on!
i've been deprived of it over the past 3yrs or so.
and now i'm out with both arms stretch-out wide ready to be thrown with S.T.R.E.S.S!
this is just what the heart and brain needed; extra workout eg: pumping, sprinting/racing for the heart, and overhauling for the rusty, mushy brain to reboot and start reprocessing, after having been in the idle state for a fairly long period of time.

it's just not enough that i'm an over-thinker already. i'm asking for more to think about and worry for.

i signed up for S.T.R.E.S.S in nov'09 so that my days will not only revolve around:
- flights (where i'm heading next)
- rosters (when i'm heading where)
- passengers & colleagues (people i meet, say my hi's and bye's)
- nail-painting
- face-coloring and...
- bun-tying

so, instead of just the above, i'm now juggling between all-the-above, with road shows, briefings, meetings, discussions, brochure-editting, presentation file preparation, market research, presentation speech preparation, marketting, printing & lamination, and running about to run these errands. how interesting! and i don't mean this with any sarcasm. it has indeed been interesting knowing that my intel core i processors are not shelved away to collect dust.

so, no complains here...for the time being...except that it has never occurred to me/never had it crossed my mind that this part of my life - i've had to be walking under the burning 3pm sun in a 3-inches high heels for several hours, and that i have, on a few occasions, had to munch a sausage bread for dinner, while sitting by a roadside pavement in a carpark. and, i have to repeat, i'm not complaining. i'm just sharing the things i'm going through, the events in my life i never pictured myself in.

just wish me the best of luck, will ya

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