Thursday, July 9, 2009

living with ants

guilty as charged. i just killed a batallion of ants. it seems i've been doing this almost every time i come home from a long flight...yeah, with a can of Shieldtox in hand, i'll go ant-busting in the kitchen, and end up having to clean up the mess and every pots and pans and all other crockery that might be covered with Shieldtox, lest i end up poisoning my housemates.

damn! they're still giving me the creeping itch all over. *scratch* i just hate them creepy crawlies. and when you get them swarming all over the wall *brush* and corners of the closets (good thing it's the kitchen cabinets and not my room) just want to get the hell rid of them all.

*swat* now i'll need the expert to come looking for their breeding nest and wipe the entire colony off, once and for all. and before that's done, i'll probably snap a picture of these disgusting pest when they start venturing out in their troops again. wait up for the photos and we can *scratch scratch* together.

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