Friday, July 3, 2009

so this is how happy is suppose to be

time should pause for me.
this mustn't end too soon.
this light-headedness. this smile. this cosy couch i'm on. this music playing in the background.
i won't ask for more, except for one more endless moment like this.
i could go on like this forever...could even go on an empty stomach. damn, i'll be too busy indulging in goodness to have to get up and find food.

but i just had to share this euphoric moment with you here...
hmm...isn't it amazing what a good book can do to a person?

i'm grateful for days like this.


munytang said...

the lightheadedness is due to lack of food!

dreammaker said...

*spank* just say u want it.
lu beh hiao la!